MeduPrep Products
MeduPrep Products
These are the products you need if you need STUDY material and are aiming to pass a difficult certification exam. We have a 500-page, full-color study guide, an online self-paced course that covers all of the needed content, and we also have a selection of in-person courses being hosted all over the country and world.
Excellence in Critical Care Transport
This is our full online critical care certification preparation course. It is 13 information-packed chapters that breaks down every topic you'll need to master to ace the exam. This is an at-your-own-pace course hosted online. This is the online version of our MeduPrep, an in-person course serving as a refresher, an update course, AND initial test prep for a critical care certification exam. It comes with 24 hours of CEs upon course completion.
Swearingen's Resource and Study Guide, 2nd Ed.
This is a 500-page, full-color textbook that includes 20 in-depth case studies and a complete content dive into critical care transport medicine. It has been in Amazon's Top 100 for critical care books since 2015. It was be recently updated, with new artwork and a handful of aesthetic blemishes has been corrected. We are excited this new second edition is finally completed and published.
MeduPrep: The Course
This is a 2 day, in-person course (can be expanded to 5 days- email us for more info). It is to be used as a refresher for critical care certifications (16 CEs), a test prep for a critical care certification exam, or an update course to keep your knowledge sharp. This is the in-person version of our Excellence in Critical Care Transport course. It covers the topics most failed on the FP-C, CCP-C, CFRN, and CCRN exams, so arm the clinician with the right amount of critical care and testing knowledge to be successful.
It doesn't matter if you use our study material or not- more questions is sometimes what you need, especially from a different author. This online option includes 3 practice tests with various question count (125, 21, and 5 questions at a time are available). Its the bare bones of the material- questions and rationales. And you get them for 30 days.
Please let us know if you need anything: information, clarification, pricing, course request, or anything at all. Our goal is to make and keep you happy with the services and products we provide. If you are displeased ever, for any reason, let us know and we will fix it right away.